Dr. Carlson Living Legend of Regeneration Medicine
Ira Pastor, ideaXme life sciences ambassador and founder of Bioquark, interviews Dr. Bruce M. Carlson, M.D., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the University of Michigan.
Ira Pastor Comments:
Today we’re honored to be joined by a true living legend of the regenerative biology world, Dr. Bruce M. Carlson, M.D., Ph.D., Professor Emeritus of Anatomy and Cell Biology at the University of Michigan.
Living Legend of Regeneration Medicine
Dr. Carlson is also the author of one of the cornerstone texts of the world of regenerative biology, Principles of Regenerative Biology, a must read, encyclopedic text on the last 100 years of global science surrounding the discipline.
Dr. Bruce M. Carlson
After receiving an M.S. in Ichthyology at Cornell University, Dr. Carlson completed his medical and doctoral studies at the University of Minnesota. For over 40 years, he was a faculty member in the Departments of Anatomy and Cell Biology and Biology at the University of Michigan. He also directed the Institute of Gerontology. His research has involved limb and muscle regeneration, limb embryology, and the biology of aging and denervated muscle.
Along with 200 papers, Dr. Carlson has authored 13 books on regeneration, embryology and lake biology, and has edited another 15 symposium volumes and translations.
He has received a number of awards, including the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Newcomb-Cleveland Prize, the Henry Gray Award of the American Association of Anatomists, which he served as president, and membership in the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. He has conducted research for extended periods in the former USSR, Czechoslovakia, the Netherlands, Finland and New Zealand.
Dr. Carlson’s Body of Work Focusing on Regeneration Medicine
In addition to the aforementioned Principles of Regenerative Biology, other books Dr. Carlson has been involved in authoring/co-authoring include: Stem Cell Anthology: From Stem Cell Biology, Tissue Engineering, Cloning, Regenerative Medicine and Biology, Human Embryology and Developmental Biology, The Human Body: Linking Structure and Function, and Beneath The Surface: A Natural History of a Fisherman’s Lake.
Dr. Carlson currently serves on the Scientific Advisory Council of the Fetzer Franklin Fund whose mission is to explore the frontiers of scientific knowledge and to advance breakthroughs towards scientific views of reality that are integrated and relational. In conducting its program of open exploration, the Fetzer Franklin Fund focuses on foundational questions at the frontiers of physics, biology, and consciousness research. In addition, the Fund supports work that re-examines the foundations of science, including scientific methodologies for both conventional and frontier research.
On this show we will hear from Dr. Carlson:
About his background, and scientific path from ichthyology, to anatomy, to regenerative biology. His regeneration research in the former Soviet Union, during the cold war, under the auspices of an exchange program between the Academies of Sciences of the USA and USSR. About his current views on research in 2020 related to regeneration, morphogenesis, aging, and cancer. About his work at the Fetzer Franklin Fund related to the intersection of biology, physics and consciousness. Finally, we’ll hear about his work in the discipline of lake biology and relations to regeneration.
Credits: Ira Pastor interview video, text, and audio.
Follow Ira Pastor on Twitter: @IraSamuelPastor
If you liked this interview, be sure to check out our interview on accelerating stem cell therapies for unmet medical needs!
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